
A screenshot of the Askr application

A web app developed between David Kunz, Brayden Stone, and I in a month and a half for USU’s software engineering course. Askr is a full featured survey app akin to Kahoot, but will allow for new answers in the middle of a survey, as well as having the choice of questions type such as choosing between a survey question or a question with a single correct answer. A Survey proctor creates a survey session and is given a join code to display with the group of survey takers. after the survey takers input the join code on the askr website using their device of choice, the survey proctor can initiate the survey and start answering the first question. After the survey session has finished, the answer statistics will be viewable on the survey page.

Viewable at: As of March 10th 2019, our student server time for ASKR has run out on the azure platform, and as such, is not available to demo. If you want to see any of the code, please email me with inquireries.

Language: C#, Javascript

Libraries/Frameworks of note used: MVC, SignalR